+1 778-838-9801

: 341 E Broadway, Vancouver, Canada




Experience the Brazilian culture as the members of Aché Brasil combine acrobatics, martial arts, Afro-Brazilian dance and hypnotic rhythms to create a sizzling performance. An explosion of colour, energy and music!
We have a show for everyone! Aché Brasil performs for many venues and creates a show custom suited to every event: festivals, theatres, concerts, special events, conventions, Brazilian Mardi-Gras, carnaval parades, batucadas, international children’s festivals and school shows.
Aché Brasil’s varied dance and music performance styles ranges from traditional to the most popular. Experienced and professional, Aché Brasil is committed to best embody Brazil’s rich cultural heritage through high quality performances. You may check "Music and Dance Repertoire" for examples and photos of the dynamic music dances Aché Brasil performs.
Our bigger shows include a full band, but we also have a smaller group, which incorporates drums and other traditional percussion in accompaniment to dances from Brasil. Our children’s show is educational, entertaining and humorous, involving the children. It’s very popular at International Children’s festivals and school shows. See link: “children’s shows”
Aché Brasil fuses Brazilian music, dance, martial arts and acrobatics into a dynamic, high energy performance that is exciting to watch and makes it hard to stand still. The group’s musical repertoire includes Aché Brasil’s original songs combining infectious Brazilian rhythms such as Samba, Coco de Roda, Maracatu, Samba Raggae, etc.
The dancers and musicians of Aché Brasil exhibit a rare combination of authenticity and excellence in their work, which is unmatched in North America. Experienced and professional, Aché Brasil is committed to presenting high quality performances which best exemplify Brazil’s rich cultural heritage.
Aché Brasil - Music Festivals, Concerts, Conventions and Special Events.
Aché Brasil - Music Festivals, Concerts, Conventions and Special Events.
Aché Brasil - Music Festivals, Concerts, Conventions and Special Events.
Aché Brasil - Music Festivals, Concerts, Conventions and Special Events.
Brazil is rich in culture and flavor. This type of concert entices the public to taste of Brazil’s splendor and high energy. The show reflects the diversity of the Brazilian people, focusing especially on popular music, rhythms and dances from Brazil. This is a very energetic performance suitable for all audiences. It may be for those who love to dance or for audiences that love to be dazzled by the show.

A full band provides pulsating music as the dancers, in dazzling authentic Brazilian costumes, teach the audience dance steps. If requested, the audience will be invited to display their new skills on stage. Most of the music is fast, energetic and danceable.

The group includes guitar, bass, percussionists, three vocalists and professional dancers including Capoeira. This show is ideal for festivals such as, Jazz Festivals, Folk Festivals, Grand Openings, Conferences, Olympics, etc. Instruments: guitar, base, keyboard, cavaquinho, drum-set and percussion such as, surdos, berimbau, timbale, congas, timbau, ripiniqui, bells, tamborines, shakers, pandeiros, cuica, whistles, djembe, etc.
Aché Brasil - Drum and Dance Ensemble for theatres, festivals and special events.
A true visual feast! Ideal for theatres or festivals that present traditional music and dance, the dances are choreographed by Eclilson De Jesus, focusing on the folkloric and legendary dances of the Afro-Brazilian and Native people of Brazil, and the different regions of Brazil where the dances first originated. The dancers wear authentic costumes, intriguing masks, grass skirts, primitive clothes, Native and Afro-Brazilian such as Orixa's clothes. They perform acrobatics with sticks, machetes, fire (if suitable), etc. The repertoire includes Capoeira, Samba de Roda, Coco de Roda, Maracatu, Native Indian dance (check Repertoire) and the songs typical of the regions they represent. This performance is accompanied by Afro-Brazilian rhythms, and songs.

Click "Repertoire" for examples and photos of the dynamic dances Aché Brasil performs. Instruments: Mostly drums and percussion such as, congas, surdos, timbale, djembe, ocean drum, pandeiros, bells, shakers, tambourines, timbau, repiniqui, djembe, berimbau, whitles, and sometimes drum-set.

Aché Brasil - Music Festivals, Concerts, Conventions and Special Events.
Aché Brasil - Samba show with dazzling Samba dancers and Brazilian percussion rhythms.
Samba show is an amazing performance of Samba dancers wearing dazziling Samba Costumes dancing to the frenetic rhythms of "Samba", the most captivating and infectious rhythm of Brazil. Live percussionists play what Brazilians call,

"Batucada." Alternately, this show can take the form of a carnaval parade, with percussionists playing Samba resembling the parades during the Carnaval in Rio - Mardi-gras. Samba dancers parade wearing dazzling costumes, "sequins and feathers" while capoeiristas perform the acrobatic Capoeira around them.

The percussionists follow the dancers with big drums, whistles, tamborines, shakers, surdos, etc. Very exciting! Instruments: Brazilian percussion instruments.
Aché Brasil – Brazilian Carnaval - Brazilian Mardi-Gras It's a euphoric experience!
Aché Brasil’s amazing Carnaval - Mardi-gras ia always a complete sell-out and huge success, attracting celebrities like, Wesley Snipes and Tom Sellek. During Carnaval, Aché Brasil performs as full band plays Carnaval music (old and new) the entire evening for everyone to dance. During each intermission,

Aché Brasil dancers and musicians perform an incredible visual show of about 10 minutes with percussionists, Samba dancers, Batucada, Frevo, Capoeira and more. Dancers and percussionists wear bright, elaborate mardi-gras costumes.

Following the visual show, Aché Brasil continues playing Carnaval music to keep the spirits high. (Aché Brasil is available to travel to other locations to perform for the Carnaval). Instruments: guitar, bass, cavaquinho, saxophone, keyboard, drum-set and percussion instruments such as, surdos, berimbau, timbale, congas, timbau, ripiniqui, bells, tamborines, shakers, pandeiros, whistles, djembe, etc.
Aché Brasil - Music Festivals, Concerts, Conventions and Special Events.
Aché Brasil – Children’s Festivals, Young People’s shows and school shows.
Aché Brasil's number of performers: Our musicians, dancers and singers are highly skilled, experienced performers of a calibre not currently available in Canada. Festivals: 6 to 15 performers Theatres: 6 to 15 performers Concerts and Special Events: 6 to 15 performers Brazilian Carnaval/Mardi-gras: 12 to 16 performers Children’s Festival and/or Young People’s Concert: 5 to 7 performers School Shows: 5 performers
More on Aché Brasil... Originating from Pernambuco, Brazil, Aché Brasil has been dazzling audiences at festivals and concerts, on television and at over 5000 schools. Their colorful blend of music and dance features the famous Brazilian Capoeira, a sinuous combination of dance, martial arts, astonishing acrobatics and breathtaking kicks; the resplendent costumes and pulse of the Samba; the spectacular machete wielding Maculele, the frenetic rhythms and dances of Frevo, etc.

All members of Aché Brasil are Brazilian, making them the only authentic music and dance company from Brazil living in BC. "Aché " means "all things positive" and Aché Brasil is positively entertaining! Experienced and professional, Ache Brasil is committed to best embody Brazil’s rich cultural heritage through high quality performances.

Ache Brasil’s musicians and dancers exhibit a rare combination of authenticity and excellence in their work, matchless in North America. Aché Brasil is dedicated to promoting Brazilian culture throughout Canada, to reaching a wider audience, and to teaching the art of Capoeira to the community.T-3
Aché Brasil represents the culture, the traditions, the beliefs, the music and the movement of the people of Brazil. Equal parts music, dance, and spectacle, Aché Brasil has played to enthusiastic audiences and critical acclaim all over North America, receiving a recent nomination for " Live Performers of the Year" at the West Coast Music Awards. Through music and dance, this high energy group educates and entertains audiences of all ages about Brazil’s cultural diversity.
“Thank you for making this year’s West Coast Music Awards a huge success. Aché Brasil’s performance was spectacular – the highlights of the evening!”- Moira Rodger, Executive Producer, West Coast Music Awards


Aché Brasil (insert link to shows) music and dance group provides audiences, young and old, a greater understanding of the Brazilian music, culture and heritage. Our commitment is to present shows that exemplify the best of Brazilian heritage and culture with the hope that you absorb the essencial rhythms of the Aché. Capoeira Aché Brasil Academies . Our aim is to promote healthy and responsible living and to enjoy activities as a group. The interaction between our members is based on tolerance and respect for each other regardless of social status, education, age, handicaps, accent of language or colour of skin.

As part of an inter-dependant world, Mestre Eclilson de Jesus calls for responsible coexistence of life on this planet while enjoying our own existence to the fullest. Capoeira Aché Brasil rejects the use of illicit drugs and activities harming the mind or body. Capoeira Aché Brasil Academies and performance group Aché Brasil are both founded by, and under the leadership of, Mestre Eclilson de Jesus who welcomes everyone to be part of the group.


Aché Brasil is dedicated to promoting Brazilian culture throughout Canada and abroad and seeks to achieve a wider public while teaching the art of Capoeira to the community. Aché Brasil performing group and Capoeira Aché Brasil academies, both strives to bring the beauty of Brazilian cultural art forms to the world through the teaching of capoeira and performances of traditional and popular music and dances from Brazil. Capoeira Aché Brasil Academies and performance group Aché Brasil are both founded by, and under the leadership of, Mestre Eclilson de Jesus who welcomes everyone to be part of the group.

Acknowledgement Special THANKS to:

To ALL our students of Capoeira, and all our teachers, family, friends, and supporters. To all the Mestres, Mestrando, Professores, Monitores, Intrutores and Formados in our group from Canada, Brazil and Malaysia. To ALL our musicians and dancers of Aché Brasil.

To ALL the photographers that so kindly offered their photos free of charge: Audrey Silver, Lisa de Lange, Adam Smith.


Thank you! Aché everyone!

Mestre Eclilson de Jesus and Christianne Odehnal

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