+1 778-838-9801
: 341 E Broadway, Vancouver, Canada
Aché Brasil (insert link to shows) music and dance group provides audiences, young and old, a greater understanding of the Brazilian music, culture and heritage. Our commitment is to present shows that exemplify the best of Brazilian heritage and culture with the hope that you absorb the essencial rhythms of the Aché. Capoeira Aché Brasil Academies . Our aim is to promote healthy and responsible living and to enjoy activities as a group. The interaction between our members is based on tolerance and respect for each other regardless of social status, education, age, handicaps, accent of language or colour of skin.
As part of an inter-dependant world, Mestre Eclilson de Jesus calls for responsible coexistence of life on this planet while enjoying our own existence to the fullest. Capoeira Aché Brasil rejects the use of illicit drugs and activities harming the mind or body. Capoeira Aché Brasil Academies and performance group Aché Brasil are both founded by, and under the leadership of, Mestre Eclilson de Jesus who welcomes everyone to be part of the group.
Aché Brasil is dedicated to promoting Brazilian culture throughout Canada and abroad and seeks to achieve a wider public while teaching the art of Capoeira to the community. Aché Brasil performing group and Capoeira Aché Brasil academies, both strives to bring the beauty of Brazilian cultural art forms to the world through the teaching of capoeira and performances of traditional and popular music and dances from Brazil. Capoeira Aché Brasil Academies and performance group Aché Brasil are both founded by, and under the leadership of, Mestre Eclilson de Jesus who welcomes everyone to be part of the group.
To ALL our students of Capoeira, and all our teachers, family, friends, and supporters. To all the Mestres, Mestrando, Professores, Monitores, Intrutores and Formados in our group from Canada, Brazil and Malaysia. To ALL our musicians and dancers of Aché Brasil.
To ALL the photographers that so kindly offered their photos free of charge: Audrey Silver, Lisa de Lange, Adam Smith.
Thank you! Aché everyone!
Mestre Eclilson de Jesus and Christianne Odehnal